Autumn Wedding Color Palette!

Autumn Wedding

Sweet Seersucker!

I'm not going to lie, I am super crazy about seersucker. For those of you who don't know, seersucker is a cute striped print, not as thin as pinstripes but not near as thick as regular stripes. Just in between.
Very cute and very easy to style. Perfect for rustic Southern weddings.
Seersucker can either be the main theme of your wedding or just a simple accent.
It is adorable in any color and I love when there are different shades spread around.
My favorite? Blue and Yellow or Pink and Green!
*All images found on Google

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First Week back to college Recap!

Last week was my first week of school, as you know. For only being there a week so far this year, I'm learning quite a bit. I have Accounting, Marketing, Speech, Math, and Business Computer. 
The things I'm learning though, are more life lessons right now.
& then, the common sense lessons. 
What I SHOULD have remembered to get for college. 

Shoulda got this!
& The one thing I am SO GLAD I bought!
Thank you Lilly Agenda for absolutely ROCKING!
On another note, my favorite outfits from the week!
This was obviously my complete favorite.
& these are honorable mentions! 

I know most of you are starting college today, how is it going so far?!

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Falling in Love in Autumn!

It's no secret that I'm in love with Fall, but it's even better when someone else fell in love with having a fall wedding! I love Autumn because it makes for so many choices in food, favors, and decorations. The possibilities are endless depending on how deep in the season you are. My favorite time for Autumn weddings is the end of September until mid-October. All the leaves have changed, it's not freezing, and nothing looks quite that dead yet. It's easy to mix dark greens, yellows, oranges and reds. I even love hints of dark purple and browns. The Sangria that's pictured here is just perfect with orange!
Autumn has so many gorgeous colors and I seem to prefer to take advantage of  nature when decorating.
My favorite items to decorate with are, of course: pumpkins, apples, leaves, and hay.
I also feel like it wouldn't be right unless Autumn/Comfort food was served! 
Bring on the Pumpkin Spice, apple cider & pies! Don't forget to send your guests home with a little something either! My favorite favor: S'more Kits & Hot Cocoa! 
Happy Wedding Wednesday!

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Fall Fashion.

As much as I hate to see summer go, I love fall. I love boots, I love leggings, I love sweaters and don't even get me started about scarves. I am obsessed with them! I love fall because I can dress comfy and warm, snuggle on up with some coffee, and work work work on school. I love school, I've always loved school.
Here are some of my past favorite fall outfits: disclaimer, please don't judge the mirror pics, I was at school.
Two years ago. Freshman year.
This year, I would like to style it up a bit.

I promise you, this time, I will NOT have terrible, yucky, mirror pics!

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The things I've realized.

I have realized a lot, a lot about life, about love, about friends. 

I learned that, in life, it's not always going to be what you've pictured. 
I didn't think I was going to be engaged, I didn't think I'd be commuting from the school I'm at now. I didn't think I'd still be working at Gram's store, I really didn't think I'd have the friends that I do have. I didn't think I'd lose touch with most of them, I didn't think I would ever see them in public and not talk to them. Everything in life isn't what I had pictured. And yet, I love it. 
I love being engaged, I love commuting from school. Working at Gram's is a VERY hidden blessing. I'm glad my real friends stuck by me even though it's been two years since I graduated. I'm glad I let those people behind me so I could focus so much more on what is so important to me. I love my life.

I realized that love, isn't a fairy tale. At all. But it's all my own story.
 I learned that I wont feel overwhelming love every single day, but I'm glad, because I am able to fall in love with the same person over and over again. I realized that once the honeymoon stage is over, you will fight. You will fight a lot. And that's ok, as long as you can laugh at and with each other later. As long as you can talk it out and fix it, not walk away. I never knew I could love someone so much and want to literally beat the heck out of them at the same time. I never knew I could get so angry and then just burst out into laughter.
I learned that it's ok to not spend every hour of every day with each other, it's ok to not text one another all day every day, even though it's fun. I realized that not everyone can sleep all cuddled up. In fact, I can't even sleep facing him. I can not sleep any other way than what I'm used to. And it's ok to not know exactly what you are doing. As long as you are doing it together. It's alright to not know what move you are going to make next, as long as you are beside each other, always, talking things out, fighting together, for each other. Loving each other. 

I found out that I wont talk to my friends all day every day like I used to. I wont hang out with them as often, if at all. We have relationships, we have college, we have jobs, and other responsibilities. We faded. We lost most of our time together, we forgot most of our jokes and stories, but we remember each other. We don't forget those who influence our lives the way you did, we don't forget the feelings.
Even though it's not like it used to be, I still love them.

The thing I know now, more than ever, is that love drives everything we do. Without love, we wouldn't be happy with ourselves or with others. With where we are going in life. That life isn't always what we think or want it to be, but it turns into what is best for us, even when we don't think so. 
Crazy, hectic, and beautiful, I love it.

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Friendship is about who came and never left your side.

God also made us all be so far away from each other because we would no doubt kill each other if we were sisters in the first place. I can only really say that about two of my friends. I swear that we are the most dysfunctional couple of friends anyone has ever seen. We have had our share of serious fights, serious talks, crazy meltdowns, and crazy fun together. If these two lovely ladies weren't so far away, it'd still be that way.

But I am lucky. Who else can have some pretty tough fights with their friends and just laugh it off? Who else can say that they have friends who have been gone for years and nothing changed at all but distance? 
Even when you don't see them or talk to them? Not many people. It's almost like we talk every day and see each other at least once a week, even though we all live miles and hours apart. 
Meet my best, long distance friends:
I've known Jenn since I was two and she was three, it wasn't our choice to be friends at first, she was kinda pushed on me. We grew up together as sisters. You can't choose your family. Then, we were inseparable. There wasn't a weekend we weren't at each other's house. Our poor parents. After sixteen years, we were separated. She moved South. We don't talk every day, we rarely see each other (maybe once a year if we are lucky,) and yet, I still consider her my best friend. She was forced to be near me and then when we had a choice, she never left, and still hasn't. That doesn't happen often. 
Chelsea and I met during our first year of college. She didn't like me. I was talking about the pageant I won and I annoyed her. Then, I heard her music. Bonding. Point. End of story. It's crazy how that happened. She spread her influence: Valencia and Go Radio, and I made her listen to country. I won. She likes it now. When I needed someone to toughen me up, she did it. When she needed someone to baby her, I did it. We were, and are, complete opposites. We still have one thing in common. We both adore each other and want to kick each other at the very same time. And it works. Since I left that school, we never see each other, unless you count snap-chat, but we always talk. Just because we are never together doesn't mean we are any less of friends.

I am so glad to have you both so close to my heart, even though you are both so far away from me. 
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Desktop Organizers, Round Two!

School is nine days away. Nine whole days. With the start of school, my desktop icons are amazingly hectic.
Going back and forth from school, this is NOT how I want this to be. If I need to find something, I want it to be right there where I can see it. Organized and ready to go. If I leave my laptop at home and forget something, I want whoever is home to be able to find it and email me what I need. With an unorganized desktop, there is no way I can do that. So, today, I did some laptop cleaning. 
Remember a LONG time ago when I brought up my desktop organizers
Remember these cuties?
They are the best way I know to make sure everything is where it's easy to find. 
I created some more for you to use. Let me know what you think!
I love the pink and blue combination in this. I couldn't help myself.
Thank you Lilly for your beautiful new print in my favorite pattern!
Vera, Sun Valley is seriously a print that I can not do without.
I love polka dots. Pink and polka dots? Perfect.
Do you have any other ideas for desktop organization?

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Have a little faith, if that doesn't work, have a lot of Mimosas.

Well said, Blair Waldorf. Well said. So often I find myself turning to quotes when I'm upset or annoyed.
Here are some pretty little printable quotables to help you in your time of need!

Uhm, Hi. This is all I can do when anxiety gets the best of me.
I love Lauren Conrad. She has a style that I WISH I could copy.
Best show & best movie ever. 
As long as you know what you want, you can do anything.
Enough said.
She's so wise and it's so true. 
& with a whole lot of PINK.
NEVER EVER SETTLE. Go above and beyond. Make your own happiness.
The most powerful thing, other than Love.

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