Have a little faith, if that doesn't work, have a lot of Mimosas.

Well said, Blair Waldorf. Well said. So often I find myself turning to quotes when I'm upset or annoyed.
Here are some pretty little printable quotables to help you in your time of need!

Uhm, Hi. This is all I can do when anxiety gets the best of me.
I love Lauren Conrad. She has a style that I WISH I could copy.
Best show & best movie ever. 
As long as you know what you want, you can do anything.
Enough said.
She's so wise and it's so true. 
& with a whole lot of PINK.
NEVER EVER SETTLE. Go above and beyond. Make your own happiness.
The most powerful thing, other than Love.

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1 comment

  1. I love the Jackie-O and Blair Waldorf references. I also turn to quotes and song lyrics when times are tough.
