Liebster Award!

Today, I found out I was nominated by Katie at Oh Hey Baby for the Liebster Award!
I was completely surprised to see this, I've always read blogs who were nominated but never did I think I would be! I barely got the comment from Katie when I saw it on her blog post!
That being said, I am so excited to start this! 

Here are the rules:
1. Link back to the blogger who nominated you.

2. List 10 facts about yourself.
3. Nominate up to 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers & tell them that they've been nominated.
4. Ask the nominees 10 questions for them to answer on their own blogs.

Ten Facts:
1. I am an engaged twenty-something college student.
2. I commute from school every day, at least 45 minutes.
3. I work 45 minutes away from my house as well.
4. I major in Business Admin. with a focus in Marketing.
5. I would love to work in the prom, pageant, and bridal industry.
6. If that doesn't work out for me, I will gladly work in children's clothing.
7. I love all things Disney and Princesses.
8. The fiance agrees we should go to Disney on our Honeymoon.
9. I would LOVE to move South.
10. But I could NEVER leave my family or friends behind.

Questions from Katie:
1. What is one characteristic about yourself that you love?
I love that I am so family-oriented. Family comes first & they are going to be all you have in the end.
2.What is your favorite outfit?
I am going to be extremely girly here and choose my flowing High-Low dresses with sandals!
3. What is your favorite movie and why?
This is a TERRIBLE toss up. If I'm going cartoon, Princess and the Frog. I love the South, New Orleans, and Lottie. She's such a sweet little Southern Belle and reminds me so much of Marilyn Monroe.
If I'm not going cartoon, I am going to choose the Sex and the City movie. Charlotte is SO me and I love how girly and sweet those women are. Not to mention Mr. Big is half a God. 
4. What is your guilty pleasure? Name at least 1.
What isn't my guilty pleasure? EOS, magazines nail polish, monograms, Lilly Pulitzer, Vera Bradley. 
Legit almost anything girly.
5. Why did you start blogging?
I had a blog years ago for my fashion when I first thought I wanted to work in the plain fashion industry but then I stopped it. I forgot how much I loved it and how I love designing layouts. I also LOVE to show my hard work off to anyone who is willing to look. I'm a proud bloggy mama. 
6. What is your favorite blog post that you have written?
Probably my "Adventures of an Open Pinterest Board" because in having it open, I can see which details my guests and closest friends would like to see and recommend that I do.
7. If you could eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?
My future Mother-In-Law's Chicken Noodle Soup. My, oh my, I could eat it all day, every day.
8. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
South Carolina. The best pageant industry there is and the most adorable accents and comfort there is!
9. What is your favorite coffee shop, and what do you always order?
Ohkay, I'm going to have to go with Dunkin. Sorry, Starbucks. 
Depending on winter or summer, iced or hot mocha latte lights!
10. What is one thing you love to do?
I love long bubble baths, magazines, and coffee. Best relaxation ever.

For my lovely nominees?
1. If you could change your name, what would it be?
2. If you were in a Disney Movie, what character would you be?
3. Where would you travel if you had unlimited money?
4. What is your favorite flavor chapstick/lip gloss?
5. If you were to order anything as your last meal, what would it be?
6. What is your earliest memory?
7. If you could have anything as a pet, what would it be? Why?
8. What is your favorite magazine & book? 
9. If you could only work one place the rest of your life, where would you work?
10. What flavor of Frozen Yogurt/Ice cream do you think represents you best?

Who am I nominating? 
1. Mandy at helloJAXON
Seriously, how adorable is the little mister?
2. Angela at Harper, Home, & Happiness
Not only is her little girl adorable, but she has a banging Etsy Business!
3. Carrie at My Filter's Busted.
I get a serious kick out of her and love her sense of style for maternity. 
Follow her on her journey of baby number 2!

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1 comment

  1. Love your list! Sex and the City is one of my favorite movies, too!!! xx
