What does Southern really mean?

I realize that this is going to be a really word heavy post, so please bear with me. This post might offend some of you, I wouldn't know why, but that's my disclaimer.

Upon visiting the website for Southern Weddings Magazine, I got to thinking. Is it just the borders that make someone Southern? Is it where you live? Is it simply being below the Mason Dixon? If so, I must have been born in the wrong place.

In thinking about this, I have come to a conclusion. For me, Southern is in who you are. Your values. Your traditions. Southern is in your upbringing. Your family. Your life. It is how you live. Your morals. Your manners. Your respect.

I have come to the conclusion that, while I live above that Mason Dixon line and while I don't have that amazing accent, I am Southern.

I was raised to respect others, to always help others. I was raised to be polite, to always have my manners. I was raised with tradition, tradition that I refuse to let die. I was taught that family is EVERYTHING and you best fear your mama AND your gram if you said something out of line and disrespectful. I was raised to always let love win, to NEVER give up on a love that is worth fighting for. That you get the most out of everything if you work for it.

I feel like where you live shouldn't matter. Call me a Damn Yankee if you must, but know that all in all, Southern is really what this girl is.

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