Hello, my name is Diana, and I have a problem.

My problem is, I am an addict.
An addict with a VERY costly taste. 
I collect it. 
Scared ya, didn't I?
If it's pretty, if it's pink, if it's got bows or patterns, I MUST own it. 
If it's got a straw, a monogram, a lid and can be bought in the form of a mason jar, I NEED it. 
Need to get me a present?
My initials are DHR. Soon, they will be DBR,
(First, Last, Middle Initial)
And so you know,
My favorite color is pink, I love bows, I love quatrefoils and chevron. 
Need some examples?
Don't mind if I do!

Happy birthday/unbirthday/anniversary/Friday/ANYDAY to ME!
& thanks in advance!
Just kidding, but not really.
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