Jamie & Andrew!

Hello, lovely readers! Today I have one of my college friends blogging for me!
Make her feel welcome!
Meet Jamie!

I met my fiancĂ© in high school and we have been dating for almost five years. Andrew popped the question on December 18, 2012 at our very own Christmas celebration. We decided since we both had off of work we would share the night together and exchange our Christmas presents. He had made dinner, steak on the grill marinated in teriyaki sauce with baked potatoes and broccoli. We enjoyed dinner, by candlelight in his apartment. We finally decided to each open some presents; he went first with a Pampered Chef goodie basket. Then it was my turn; he picked out this medium size box, no way was it a ring box, and I opened it. The box was a piece of exercise equipment that he had shown me a couple of weeks before. Upset and slightly disappointed, I asked him why I was getting this. Silly me, I should have opened the box, so I did. Inside was a smaller box, the size of a ring box, and I got all excited and tears began to form in my eyes. I opened the box to find the ring missing and him getting down on one knee to ask me to marry him. 
My ring was inside a box of chocolates, Dove my favorite kind. 
The funny part of the story is that he was so afraid to ask my parents who he is very close with. He ended up asking my dad and mom only minutes before I came over (his apartment is on my parents land, within walking distance).


We are planning our wedding for May 14th, 2014 at my parent’s farm. Although we are not doing much planning right now, I am looking at Pinterest and have attended a few Bridal Expos for ideas. We have decided our colors will be purple accented with orange. We are going to have a rustic theme and plan on going to yard sales and auctions this spring/summer for some rustic looking props and decorations for on the farm. We have also started to clean up the barn so we can have the reception in the barn! We have also started our guest list and asked most of the bridal party to be in our wedding. We plan on 150-200 guests at our wedding. 

My advice to other young engaged couples is to enjoy the planning of your wedding and all of the small, yet important details of it. For instance, asking your bridal party to be your bridesmaids in a once in a lifetime offer made to those friends you just cannot live without. The looks on their faces are priceless. 
Also, give your fiancĂ© time when making decisions; I know that Andrew gets overwhelmed with many choices very easily. And finally, include him in your decisions, this is his wedding as well and it should be his perfect day too! 

Thanks, Jamie! It's nice to see someone else who is planning a rustic wedding!
Can't wait to see more details and hear more about your yard sale and thrift finds!

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