Wedding Advice from a Newlywed!

Today, my semi-newlywed cousin, Terra, is here to share some tips and advice with us engaged girls!
Seriously, how pretty is she?!

1. Create a budget (unless you are rich and have all the money in the world)

2. Research and get ideas for center pieces, invites, flowers (be creative and crafty and try and do them yourself to save money)
3. Get engagement photos - you can use them for date savers if you send them (we didn't to save money). However I did use the engagement photos to hang on the wooden frame that we made ourselves and had at the bridal shower and at the church.
4. This a big time big time tip, make sure that when you meet with someone, like the person making the cake for instance: Know what you want and have samples/printouts of what you would like the cake to look like. It saves you and the other person time if you are organized and have made your decisions before hand.
5. BE ORGANIZED. Get boxes or plastic totes to start putting your wedding stuff in. Designate an area to have everything in one place. Label the boxes so you know what you have in them.
6. Make lists of things you need or need to get done. I know from my experience I felt very overwhelmed and felt like I was forgetting things.

7. Take pictures of random things so you can put them in your wedding album or scrap book. I took a screen shot of Brent sending me a text that I thought was cute about seeing me at the alter. Another picture was of me putting the invites in the mailbox.
The one moment of my wedding day WAS when my father and I were standing alone waiting for the song to start and us to walk around the corner and down the isle. At that moment I got butterfly's in my stomach and looked at my dad and he said, "are you ready" and as we started to walk and when I looked up and saw Brent, this overwhelming feeling came over me. My Husband-to-be looked so handsome and I couldn't get over how lucky I felt to be marrying him. It truly was a magical day and one I will never forget.
The process of getting everything together for the wedding goes so fast. The day of the wedding goes even faster. I had a friend tell me something that I thought was very informative. She said "Stop and enjoy the day, try and remember things because before you know it, its over," Oh, she was totally right.

Here's a little inspiration from her wedding!

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