Christmas Eve Engagement!

Hi everyone! Tonight, I have a very special guest blogger who is here to talk about her engagement and wedding planning so far! Please feel free to comment/message me and I will have her answer any questions you have for her! So, welcome Taylor!

Hi Girls!
I am very new to the whole blogging thing but Diana has asked me to kind of give a background on what my fiance and I have been up to and how the wedding planning is going!
My fiance, Daniel, is from North Carolina. He is an Exercise Science major and I am a Communications major. Him and I met each other at Liberty University. We have been together for a little bit over a year now. We are planning on living in North Carolina after we are married. We are both graduating a year early just so we can start working right after the wedding!The engagement happened on Christmas Eve! Daniel and I had planned for him to come up to PA to spend Christmas Eve with my family and I and the day before Christmas Eve he told me he would be working all day Christmas Eve and would not be able to make it. During dinner that night with my family, my dad got a call from someone and he told us that he had to leave the house. Well, my dad came back to the house about twenty minutes after and asked us if we were ready to open our Christmas presents. Of course, we got excited, and my dad asked me if I wanted to open my gift from Daniel because he told me Dan had my gift shipped up to PA. I sat down and opened my gift and to my surprise it was an Ipad Mini!!! My dad told me there was instructions that came with it so when I opened the Ipad there was a video on the screen. I pushed play and it went through this whole story of how I was the treasure and the engagement ring was the key to the treasure. In the video Daniel gets the ring stolen by his friends which in the movie were zombies, because we love love love The Walking Dead! At the end of the movie he finally gets the ring back and he walks to his car and the video said 5 hours later... which is the amount of time it takes to get from Liberty University to my house in PA. Then a picture of my front door appeared on the video and as the door opened in the video Daniel walked through my front door! I was so surprised and crying and he came over to me and got down on one knee and said, "Taylor I love you so much, I want to grow old with you, I want to have a family with you, and I want to serve the Lord with you!" Then he asked me to marry him! I was so excited. I love the ring so much. He did a great job! ;).
Wedding planning is going great so far. The wedding will be May 31st, 2014 in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. The resort we are having the wedding at is The Breakers Resort.
So far we have our venue picked out, our menu, the DJ, I picked my dress out, and we have our centerpieces and colors figured out. Daniel and I are starting to think of ideas for our save the date picture, and we have the guest list pretty much done. The only thing I am really worried about is the photographer. I have a couple of people in mind but I have yet to pick one. Our wedding will only have about 125-150 guests. Most of the wedding guests are our family or friends from school. The wedding party is 8 bridesmaids and 8 groomsmen. We are having one ring bearer and two flower girls.

That is most of the planning we have done for now! 
If any of you girls have questions about planning feel free to message me or contact me! 

Thank You Taylor!

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