A Peek Inside: My Makeup Bag.

Hey, all! It's been one crazy week for me! I just came back from vacation and I am WAY behind on posting. Don't worry, I have a ton scheduled and on the way, including my vacation details! 
For now, I want to share the items that, when I choose to wear makeup, make me look the best.
To me, the best is the most natural, not caked on or fake, look. I've seen one too many people paint their faces and look like a toddler drew all over them with magic marker or as if a box of crayola crayons exploded on their face, not to mention the ones who look as though they put their head in a bag of Doritos.
It's not cute, trust me, and that's messing up the whole point of wearing makeup. 
Makeup should be worn to enhance how you look naturally not to completely alter your face.
Now, let me hop off my little soap-box and continue. 
I tend to go with the most basic/natural items. 
Cover-up, skin matching liquid, and sometimes blush/bronzer and eye-shadow.
Most times, I will stick with Wet N Wild, New York Color (NYC), or Eyes, Lips, Face (ELF.)
They are cheaper, pretty nice quality, and don't make me break out.
When it comes to lip colors, I'm a picky picky girl. I do not like when they stray from my lip lines, I hate colors that are too light for my lips, and I absolutely despise sparkles on my lips. I just can't do it. 
When choosing lip colors, I have to test on the palm of my hand. Wet N Wild, which are the two on the left can really be hit or miss. I bought four of them and out of the four I bought, I only really liked two. I like that they are cheap though, because it's alright to make mistakes like that when it's cheap. 
If it's hot outside or I don't have a lot of time to get ready, I'll just throw on some lip stain. 
It stays on for so long, rarely runs, and the color is fantastic. 
I love having so much control over how bright/dark I want my lips to be. 
On the right is something new I am trying, it's a lipstick/gloss. I like the color but I'm still really unsure of it.
Most of the time, I will just stick with chapsticks, I love my EOS, but lately, I found some amazing balms that not only have spf, but have seriously amazing colors. I love Almay's pretty peach gloss balm and Covergirl hit the nail on the head with the #225 balm. You can't really tell, but the color shows up more tangerine/red.
To show you how my makeup is worn, I've got a little before & after.
Ignore the hair, I wanted the focus to be on my makeup rather than hair so I pulled it all back. 
BEFORE Makeup & AFTER Makeup.
Can you tell a huge difference? I really can't, minus the even skin tone, lip color, and eye makeup.
Do you have any tips/pet peeves with makeup?

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