Desktop Organizers, Round Two!

School is nine days away. Nine whole days. With the start of school, my desktop icons are amazingly hectic.
Going back and forth from school, this is NOT how I want this to be. If I need to find something, I want it to be right there where I can see it. Organized and ready to go. If I leave my laptop at home and forget something, I want whoever is home to be able to find it and email me what I need. With an unorganized desktop, there is no way I can do that. So, today, I did some laptop cleaning. 
Remember a LONG time ago when I brought up my desktop organizers
Remember these cuties?
They are the best way I know to make sure everything is where it's easy to find. 
I created some more for you to use. Let me know what you think!
I love the pink and blue combination in this. I couldn't help myself.
Thank you Lilly for your beautiful new print in my favorite pattern!
Vera, Sun Valley is seriously a print that I can not do without.
I love polka dots. Pink and polka dots? Perfect.
Do you have any other ideas for desktop organization?

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