Friendship is about who came and never left your side.

God also made us all be so far away from each other because we would no doubt kill each other if we were sisters in the first place. I can only really say that about two of my friends. I swear that we are the most dysfunctional couple of friends anyone has ever seen. We have had our share of serious fights, serious talks, crazy meltdowns, and crazy fun together. If these two lovely ladies weren't so far away, it'd still be that way.

But I am lucky. Who else can have some pretty tough fights with their friends and just laugh it off? Who else can say that they have friends who have been gone for years and nothing changed at all but distance? 
Even when you don't see them or talk to them? Not many people. It's almost like we talk every day and see each other at least once a week, even though we all live miles and hours apart. 
Meet my best, long distance friends:
I've known Jenn since I was two and she was three, it wasn't our choice to be friends at first, she was kinda pushed on me. We grew up together as sisters. You can't choose your family. Then, we were inseparable. There wasn't a weekend we weren't at each other's house. Our poor parents. After sixteen years, we were separated. She moved South. We don't talk every day, we rarely see each other (maybe once a year if we are lucky,) and yet, I still consider her my best friend. She was forced to be near me and then when we had a choice, she never left, and still hasn't. That doesn't happen often. 
Chelsea and I met during our first year of college. She didn't like me. I was talking about the pageant I won and I annoyed her. Then, I heard her music. Bonding. Point. End of story. It's crazy how that happened. She spread her influence: Valencia and Go Radio, and I made her listen to country. I won. She likes it now. When I needed someone to toughen me up, she did it. When she needed someone to baby her, I did it. We were, and are, complete opposites. We still have one thing in common. We both adore each other and want to kick each other at the very same time. And it works. Since I left that school, we never see each other, unless you count snap-chat, but we always talk. Just because we are never together doesn't mean we are any less of friends.

I am so glad to have you both so close to my heart, even though you are both so far away from me. 
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