My Etsy Loves!

First, I would like to say, that I have another obsession. 
Etsy is completely addicting. 
I have made a lovely little wishlist and would love to share it with you!

I would also love to shout-out the cutest Etsy shop I have seen so far.
This lovely Etsy owner never fails to contact me and reply to all of my posts. 
Thank you, Aubrey Gianna, for being fantastic.
Here are a few of my favorites from the shop: 
Stay tuned for a lovely item that's going to be made for me! 
2015 can't come soon enough!
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Hello, my name is Diana, and I have a problem.

My problem is, I am an addict.
An addict with a VERY costly taste. 
I collect it. 
Scared ya, didn't I?
If it's pretty, if it's pink, if it's got bows or patterns, I MUST own it. 
If it's got a straw, a monogram, a lid and can be bought in the form of a mason jar, I NEED it. 
Need to get me a present?
My initials are DHR. Soon, they will be DBR,
(First, Last, Middle Initial)
And so you know,
My favorite color is pink, I love bows, I love quatrefoils and chevron. 
Need some examples?
Don't mind if I do!

Happy birthday/unbirthday/anniversary/Friday/ANYDAY to ME!
& thanks in advance!
Just kidding, but not really.
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First Link Up! GFC Lovin'!

GFC Lovin
This is my first EVER link up! I hope that I gain some friends from this!
Visit my "About Me" tab and stay awhile!
Comment or follow, let me know you were here!

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Kate Spade: Wedding Belles!

I honestly believe this. We grow up playing Cinderella until someday, we are Cinderella, getting swept away by Prince Charming. Then, we dress our best. We try on gown after gown, bridesmaid dress after bridesmaid dress, constantly playing dress-up. No matter how much we say we hate it, let's be honest,
We all really love it, still just as much as when we were kids.
When I recently found out that Kate Spade has a little bridal line,
It's simple, it's beautiful, and it's preppy enough for me!
The invitations have the absolute most adorable little envelopes, too!
I just love how they match the cards so adorably. 
(Had to throw the pink with the bow in for good measure!)

There are also the sweetest little bridesmaids/maid of honor gifts.
I am a HUGE advocate for clutches, so I about died when I saw these gems:
Image from Simply Modern Weddings
The adorable bracelet is for the lovely ladies, too!
What are your favorite stores with Bridal collections?

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How to: Easily find the nail polish colors you want!

Not even one day after making my nail polish storage box, I found out there was a problem.
If my box gets all stuffed full of nail polish, I am not going to want to try to root around and look for it.
I needed a way to organize my nail polishes and tell them apart. 
The easiest way I knew, was to paint the tops. 
Not to full out paint the tops but put a little circular dab in the center. 
Just enough to show what the color was!
The Result:
The easiest organizational tool that I could have thought of for nail polish. 
(Aside from separate drawers according to color, but that would defeat the purpose of my box!)
All that I had to do was get a paintbrush, a paper towel, and my polish.
I simply took the cap off, stuck the end of the paintbrush in the polish, and dabbed it right on the cap!
Then, I sorted my polish in rainbow order!
(The most fun task!)
Placed them all in the box and stuck the lid on, easy as pie!
 How do you store all of your polishes and how easy is it to find the colors you want?

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DIY Nail Storage!

Today, I could not deal with it anymore. I can not just have my nail polish sitting all around everywhere, never being able to find my nail polish when I needed it.
"Where's my white! I can't have polka dots without my white!"
"Where's my peach?!" "Oh wait, that's not in my collection."
It just had to stop. And it had to be a pretty stop. 
Pink. Pretty. 
So here you have it:
I put painters tape in chevron and stripes on my photo box. My beautiful white photo box.
I got a paint called Pink Lemonade (YUM & ADORBS) and painted my perfect box.
I have no patience... I needed a hair dryer to dry it.
 It turned out BEAUTIFULLY.
 I loved how simple and sweet it looks.
I loved even more that EVERYTHING fit inside of it and more.
Eventually I would like to put dividers in for my markers!
What do you use to store your nail polish?

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Blog Lovin'

Today, I have set up a bloglovin' account! 
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