How to: Easily find the nail polish colors you want!

Not even one day after making my nail polish storage box, I found out there was a problem.
If my box gets all stuffed full of nail polish, I am not going to want to try to root around and look for it.
I needed a way to organize my nail polishes and tell them apart. 
The easiest way I knew, was to paint the tops. 
Not to full out paint the tops but put a little circular dab in the center. 
Just enough to show what the color was!
The Result:
The easiest organizational tool that I could have thought of for nail polish. 
(Aside from separate drawers according to color, but that would defeat the purpose of my box!)
All that I had to do was get a paintbrush, a paper towel, and my polish.
I simply took the cap off, stuck the end of the paintbrush in the polish, and dabbed it right on the cap!
Then, I sorted my polish in rainbow order!
(The most fun task!)
Placed them all in the box and stuck the lid on, easy as pie!
 How do you store all of your polishes and how easy is it to find the colors you want?

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