Something New & Something Blue!

In order to keep me from going crazy with all the wedding information, tips, and ideas, I decided I would need an extremely organized place to keep everything in, typical to my style. But it couldn't be just anything. It had to be special, something I could carry around, and very easily personalized. It took about half an hour walking around Wally World (Wal-Mart for those of you who don't know) and a lot of deliberation.
I saw expanding folders, binders, planners, notebooks, anything that seemed like it would work amazingly.
Everything I saw, though, I wanted it to be pink. My color. Until I saw the one item that changed it all. It literally screamed wedding, to me. 
Say hello to my new, amazing, wedding planner.
Thank you, Studio C, for having the cutest items! The second I saw it, I knew this was it. It's not like the typical binders that are plastic and break under pressure, so if anything, I knew that this is what I needed. It's portable, pretty, and can hold some serious weight! All I needed to do was figure out my next step, how I would organize everything I had cut out of magazines, contacts I had come across, and all the extremely important details. I also knew that however I did this, I would need a lot of easy labeling.
I also knew that, with a very messy little kitten, an extremely clumsy me, and a seriously messy sister, this binder's pages would need a lot of protecting. It could only imagine how much coffee I can spill or the terror my little Sofia could impose. Page protectors it was. I couldn't just slide my items into them, so I decided I would collage all of my little cut outs on plain paper and slide them in, dividing them with seperators.
All in all, I ended up walking out of Wally World with less than $20 spent on this project and began working on something much more valuable. Something I will carry with me (literally) and can keep forever.

Introducing, my wedding planner!
(Not even near finished of course.)
I decided to make a cover page, laying out the basic theme of what we would like.
For now, as we know how much my plans can change around, we are set on a theme based on our song,
"Honeybee" by Blake Shelton.
What is possibly more fitting than my favorite color and a love as sweet as honey?!
Cheesy, I know.
Behind the cover page, I placed a sample of the invitations I scored for 25 cents at a yard sale.
40 Invitations, for 25 cents. Like I could say no to that, especially when it is a box set by Brides Magazine!
It will be so much easier to show people at appointments exactly what we are expecting and planning.
I knew, that in order to also keep me sane, I would need an awesome countdown calendar to make sure I am up to date and don't forget a thing!
One of the most important parts, to me, is the dress. I am very particular about the fabric I want and I know I need a sweetheart neckline. Anything aside from that, I will try.

Every item from retailers that I receive also gets put in this category.
After the dresses, I have some hair styling ideas and some makeup ideas. The tab after this has to do with the Groom! I'm waiting on him to help me out with that. So far, I have a few ideas for his ring pasted in there and an idea or two for the little Ring Bearer! Then I have the Bridesmaids and Flower Girl tab! Of course that will stay a surprise for them! I can't wait for SOME of their input! 
My next tab has to do with the ceremony and reception, obviously a rustic theme!
Jason and I have a few potential venues picked out, but of course it's all going to depend on the visits.

I then have favors and bridal party gifts in the works and I slid in the photograph ideas.
Pictures are EXTREMELY important to me, so I want to make sure that I have as many examples of what I am looking for as possible!
Next I have the registry checklist/ideas and some budgeting tips. 
I am so into doing things myself as opposed to paying someone to do them for me. I want to be a part of my wedding and I want my family/friends to be engaged in it as well!

I figure that the more organized I am, the more I will be able to relax and enjoy the whole process, not to mention be easier to deal with! 


DIY & Do-Overs!

Starting mid-summer, I decided to take on making my own products as opposed to buying them, since I started realizing they were a cheaper (and more satisfying) option. After a few tutorials on my favorite blogs and SO many on pinterest, I decided to try a few that I thought would come in the most handy, being that I'm in college and need all the money I can get!

First off, I found this AMAZING creation called chalkboard paint, thanks to Little Baby Garvin!
It looked so easy, so I went out and got some paint and my partner in crime and fiance, Jason, found me some metal so I could make it magnetic. I was so excited!
After painting about half of the board, we realized that this might not work out like we planned. The paint we decided to get was extremely thick but wouldn't even cover the board. After three coats, we found it would also be too heavy for the wall I intended to use it on. Typically.
So, the next day, we decided to try something different, and much more practical. 
 Spray paint. Chalkboard spray paint. Instead of using metal this time, we decided on cardboard. 
This time, with a rougher surface, primer, and a much easier way of painting, we came up with MUCH better results. Just add a frame and viola!
Now that I have this chalkboard paint, I am seriously covering everything I possibly can! There are so many good uses! I painted the inside of the cupboard and I even made a board for my sister. I can't wait to paint the Mason Jars and eventually make a whole wall!
I usually use mine for quotes and lyrics to get myself through until I can use mine like she used hers! 
Yes, mine's much less professional, but for a college student, it's not half bad!
There's something much more satisfying in creating something yourself.

Some more of my favorite DIY projects I've done are:

Glitter Nail Polish!
All I had to do was get $1 clear nail polish and add some cheap glitter! I used three different color glitters in each bottle for a more fun look and realized that the lighter colors sank to the bottom for some reason!
The clear color also changes into the color of the glitter but doesn't fade the glitter!

My Wonderful Earring Hanger!
I had two very special little helpers (as usual) to get this job done!
You met the one, (above) but not our baby!
This is Sofia. She's more of a supervisor than a helper!

For this project, I found an old picture frame, bought some chain, some eyelet hooks, and a pretty piece of pink tissue paper! We put the eyelet hooks into the side of the frame to hang three rows of chain to hang my earrings on and then put two hooks at the top with some chain so it would be easy to hang. After finishing the frame, I slipped the tissue paper under the glass and put it together, with my earrings and all, and decided to put on a Cinderella's Glass Slipper decal for some extra fun!
It's so much easier to 
1. Find my earrings
2. Display them
3. Make sure that I actually wear them!
When I have something sitting out, I'm much more likely to wear it. If it's hidden away, I barely take the time to look and sometimes even forget I have some of the things I do have!
It really helps prevent me from buying the same types of earrings over and over again. 
 Not to mention, these things all just look so darn pretty!


Where my life, began.

Not to say it was nothing before, but this is when I truly started embracing my life for what it was.
My senior year, I made so many decisions, decisions that really altered my life forever. Everything happens for a reason. While those decisions were hard, they were the best I ever made.  

I won a pageant, was on our Snow Dance court, I made new friends, I had the freedom to be me and do whatever I wanted, to explore. I was held back by absolutely nothing. I was in complete control.
For those of you who know me, you know that this is when my life started.

I know what you are thinking, an eighteen year old's life doesn't start senior year, and it's definitely not because of meeting a boy. No, it doesn't, that's true. But, let me say this, I believe that the people you have in your life, highly influence the way that you live it and take advantage of it. The people you surround yourself with, change the way you see things. Some, are a bad influence, some hold you back. 
And he, along with my new friends, and my family (of course!) changed everything, for the better.
But this, is about him.

Who is he? 
He, would be Jason, who is now, my fiance.

I met him during my first semester of study hall, of course, my senior year. 
Oddly enough, it all started with a slideshow I made, of my favorite items sorted by each color of the rainbow. I seriously begged him to watch it, knowing he wouldn't be interested in a single thing that I was showcasing. He didn't want to watch it, which I knew would happen. So, I, offended, said "I really don't like you." After this, he watched the "stupid" slideshow, and at the end, told me he was colorblind. Funny way to meet, right? I'm just all too talented in the art of saying stupid things that I regret. That moment, followed with me telling him and another boy that, "We are all just friends," and when Jason tried to get my phone number, "Just so you know, I like three other boys." Typical. 
You know what happened then, fuel got added to the fire. 
A challenge. Though I was and wasn't much of one.

On May 15, 2011 after four whole months of seeing each other every single day, I finally decided to date him. After I said yes, an adventure followed behind. I was exploring new things, doing things differently, and facing all of my fears. Big and Small.
He brought me out of my shell and into the world in a sense.
Where one door closes, another door opens. 
& now, everything is different and better than it was before I knew him.

So, on July 2, 2012 after being together for a year and almost 2 months, he decided to propose.
In the most perfect way. On vacation, in North Carolina, on a Dolphin cruise. 
My favorite animals. Right after we saw them.

His words, "You know I love you, right?"
& yes, I do. Forever and always you did, have, and always will. For me. Imperfections and all.
The only thing left to do was to answer.
Drum roll, please?
"Did you ask my parents?" 
I seriously said that. I'm an ass, right! 
But, of course, yes, absolutely, one hundred times yes. 

So now, no longer a senior in high school, but a sophomore in college,
The planning,
& our life,
Begins, together. 

I love you.


Welcome, Sunshine!

Hi, I'm Diana. I'm a semi-newly engaged twenty year old. Yes, I know it's young but when you know what you want, nothing else matters. I am busy making a life for myself while making a life for us and so far, nothing is sweeter. I am studying to break into the bridal industry and that is not just because of my engagement, though it certainly doesn't help! It's my passion, as well as prom and pageant wear. I love my life, I love my family, and I love my friends, without their support, I would be nothing.