Now that I know I'm no longer a No-Reply Blogger:

I can finally participate in a Blog Hop & maybe get results! 

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Fourth of July!

It is absolutely no secret that the fourth of July is one of my favorite times.
Fireworks, Food, Vacation coming up. How do you get better than that?
That being said, here are some cute little Patriotic items I've put together 
as inspiration on what to wear!

Fourth of July

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Pinterest Fashion!

Lately, I've been going pretty hard on my Fashion pinterest board.
Looking back on it, I need to share!
On that note, here are my fashion picks of the week!

Loving Tangerine & Robin's Egg Blue!

Again with the Tangerine Chevron... Noticing a pattern?

I love me some yellow this year, add on some navy to the picture on the right and it's SOLD!

Peach and Coral are another few of my favorites this year.

Bows and Ruffles have my heart. Legitimately. 

I have no idea why, but I am head over heels in love with these shorts!

Uhm, Hi. Can I own these? Perfect accessory pieces. 

On another note, I will be doing this. I LOVE these nails & that shirt!

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BlogLovin' Blog Hop!

Link Up HERE!
& Please don't forget to comment!
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Adventures of an Open Pinterest Board.

I decided a very long time ago, that I was going to let my wedding pinterest board to be open to certain people to pin on. What came up? A TON of amazing ideas that I've never seen, huge amounts of inspiration, and things that other people would like to see coming into our wedding. 
Their judgement in picking these things, are FANTASTIC.
Here are some of their pins!

1. I love the backwoods boy/ fairy tale princess idea here. 
2. Most perfect mix of my man and me.

I love the burlap flowers, the daisies, and the book page flower.

I love pictures and the only thing I would change about it are the berries. I'm using baby's breath. 
My honey and his family have a tradition of playing horseshoes, so wouldn't it be fantastic to honor that, too?

Lace, burlap, baby's breath. Perfection. I love Buntings and the cute little lanterns. 

Please & Thank you. And P.S. The hearts? Amazing. 
I thought I was the only one who dots their I's with hearts.

Tulle & Lights. Need I say more?

It's amazing how well these girls know me. Lilly Lovin' & Planners. Matching for the Lovely Ladies!

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Beware: Gush Ahead! Spill About Your Love!

{1} Describe your dating life prior to finding your husband/boyfriend/fiance. 
I was on and off in relationships and then was in a serious relationship for three and a half years. I won't go into that for the sake of my sanity. I ended that relationship and everything changed for me. I didn't focus on pleasing anyone but myself so I was on and off again until Jason. Even then, as I'm known for saying the silliest things, I said "Don't get you're hopes up, I like three other people." We all know how that one turned out! Thank God!

{2} Describe him in one word. How would he describe you in one word?
    Helpful. Not only has he helped me sort out every single one of my past problems and anxieties, but legitimately took them all away from then to now. Since I could be so open with him, anxiety has never been a problem.  He is also helpful because his wonderful father taught him how to fix cars, build things, and work for himself instead of paying people to do those things for us. He would probably describe me as busy. I always am doing something, wanting to do something, or planning something.

{3} You had a really silly fight. Embarrassing silly. What was it about?
     Oh God, we have SO many silly little fights. Usually it's fighting about self confidence issues or plans he doesn't tell me.

{4} In three sentences (and only three!), describe where you both hope to be in 5 years.
     I hope I'm graduated from college and have a job in bridal. I hope he has a job that's at least as good as the one he has now. I hope we will be married by then.

{5} Tell us something about him we wouldn't know from reading your blog.
     He is super duper obsessed with cars and bikes. From the first day he came to my house I've known that. He was pushing me on my swing and the second he heard my neighbors show car, he stopped dead in his tracks. completely weird but adorbs.

{6} What's one thing you never thought you'd do in front of him but you did?
     I never thought I would sing in front of him. People tell me I'm an okay singer but I've never felt comfortable singing around anyone. Ever. So when I sent him a video of myself singing, I shocked even myself.

Your turn! Comment/Link Up your post!

Why I've Slacked Off, But Didn't Really.

So, what have I been up to that I was too busy to call, blog, or even hang out with friends?
Let me tell you, right here, is one hard-working girl. 
Two weeks is what it took to do this massive project. 
Curious yet? 
We laid a Patio. It still isn't done. We still need to add the fire pit. 
First, we had to cut up the grass and roll it. We used it to cover up some areas where grass wasn't growing. Can't even tell it isn't supposed to be there!
 That's my honey taking a rest on the steps & his daddy (my future father-in-law!) leveling the cracker-dust, (6 tons of it!) so that we could start using the tamper.
 Does anyone know just how hard it is to level out the ground?! And it has to be just right so that the pavers lay flat and so there aren't any random bumps or curves in the patio.
 Yes, that is me, using a tamper. We used to to pack in the cracker dust.
 He was a good supervisor even though I didn't need it. I'm just that good. 
That, and if I wasn't good, I wouldn't get paid in my numerous root beer floats!
 Over the course of two weeks, we worked day and night, non-stop so that we could get all the pavers laid.
 The circle was by far the hardest part of all. We struggled to find out how to square it off.
 Obviously, we did a pretty good job. We tamped it down again to pack sand through it and then we were done. Until we put together the rock fire pit!
 On a final note: Look how adorable the fiance is when he's cheesin' it up. Adorbs!

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