Pinterest Fashion!

Lately, I've been going pretty hard on my Fashion pinterest board.
Looking back on it, I need to share!
On that note, here are my fashion picks of the week!

Loving Tangerine & Robin's Egg Blue!

Again with the Tangerine Chevron... Noticing a pattern?

I love me some yellow this year, add on some navy to the picture on the right and it's SOLD!

Peach and Coral are another few of my favorites this year.

Bows and Ruffles have my heart. Legitimately. 

I have no idea why, but I am head over heels in love with these shorts!

Uhm, Hi. Can I own these? Perfect accessory pieces. 

On another note, I will be doing this. I LOVE these nails & that shirt!

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1 comment

  1. The top to chevron pieces are from two of my favorite boutiques!
    Those shorts are perfect! No wonder you love them!
