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How To: Plan Your Rustic Wedding on Ebay

Well hello there again, friends! Long time, no see! 
Finals are FINALLY over and I am so happy to be able to be back at it again!
I just got a wonderful little email from Influenster asking me to write a few guides for Ebay so I am starting myself a little series to kick this off right!
First off: Let's plan a rustic wedding with all the necessary decor! 
No rustic wedding is complete without mason jars, burlap, twine, or lace, 
let's see what wonderful treasures we can find!

First thing's first: Set the mood by welcoming your guests with good ol' rustic hospitality. 
What do you want your guests to enter feeling? Do you want them to sit somewhere special, do you want them to feel welcomed as one big family? This will show it. 

How are you decorating the ceremony? This is one of the most photographed parts of your entire wedding and definitely one of the most special parts! You really want your decor to scream, "Look at us, check out how this reflects our personalities!" This is seriously ALL about the BOTH of you so as you are planning your rustic wedding, take that all into account. 

The place you are the most photographed is the Alter, so I know I'm going to want mine to look the cutest.
You could make it look so classy and romantically rustic with this perfect burlap bunting.
My favorite way to decorate the alter!
Next, how are the tables going to be numbered and set up? This is where your guests will be spending a bit of their time while not on the dance floor! It should fit the theme and still reflect who you are as a couple. Don't skimp on it but don't spend a ton either! One big thing is that you have to make sure that guests know where they are going to be placed and that they can find it easily!

The reception should tie everything in that you've decorated so far! 
It should look just as classy and just as rustic as the rest while still reflecting the two of you!
I love the painted look of these mason jars, you can get different colors to reflect your wedding colors as well, which is extremely important. Everything is able to be customized. 

Leave in STYLE! What cuter way to go than to attach this bunting to your method of transportation? There are so many different ones out there that are made to fit your mood and theme that it's almost hard to not find one that fits the two of you. Attach to the tailgate of a truck or an old model T and you are good to GO!

I never knew just how many items Ebay had for weddings. 
I am so excited to start the next two parts of this series with different wedding themes! 

Opinions expressed are entirely my own and not swayed by being compensated. 

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Young & In Love: Alexa and Tyler

Hello girls! I am new to blogging but I would love to tell you about my fiancé and I. My name's Alexa and I am senior at Bloomsburg University majoring in Special Education and Early Childhood Education. My fiancés name is Tyler and he is a sophomore at Bloomsburg University as well majoring in Anthropology. It all started about 5 1/2 years ago when I was a junior in high school. I was just always hanging out with my friends and never really thought about dating until one of my friends told me about this boy named Tyler. I wasn't too sure if I even wanted a boyfriend at the time but I asked my friend for his phone number. I remember that day to this day very clearly. It was in the summertime while I was cleaning out my room, that I got the guts to text him. I was like hey this is Alexa just wondered if you would want to go to the movies sometime! Haha. At that time it didn't sound silly to me but now when I look back “I’m like, oh my I can't believe I said that!” He replied with “yes”! Ever since that first text is what got us to where we are today.
We started hanging out more and more that summer and when school started we became an official couple. At this point I was a junior and Tyler was a freshman so I got remarks made to me constantly about “robbing the cradle”. On October 13, 2008, we decided to be that official couple and if it wasn't for that day I don't know where I would be today. I always knew that Tyler was the one for me because he came out to my sporting events and supported me in every way possible! Of course I was the same way to him. I graduated high school and commuted to Bloomsburg University. It was hard with Tyler being in high school still and me in college but we managed. Then Tyler graduated high school and we both decided to go to East Stroudsburg University to be with each other. From that decision, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him. We now both go to Bloomsburg University where I am graduating in December and Tyler is a sophomore.  

The proposal was something I was not expecting at all but something I always talked about with Tyler. For some reason I knew he was the one I saw myself with for the years to follow. Every Christmas Eve morning my parents, Tyler's parents, and Tyler's brother and sister get together to exchange Christmas gifts. Each year we change houses and this year it was at Tyler's house. I let Tyler open his presents and then it was my turn. I had one big box that felt very light and I was like  ”hmm”. Then inside that box was another box wrapped up. I unwrapped the box and to my surprise Tyler is getting down on one knee at this time and I opened it up and it was a beautiful ring. Tyler did his thing with asking me if I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and of course I said yes:) It was special to me because my parents and the people that cared the most about us where there to celebrate with us. Yes we are young and in love but trust me the five years we have been together, can prove to all that know us that we are met to be together.  
As far as wedding planning goes, we do not have a date set yet but we will be deciding this summer. We know that we will be waiting until summer 2016 so that we are both graduated from college. Hopefully by that time I will also have a full time job teaching. We will be getting married close to home since most of our family lives around us. There will be between 200-250 guest invited. Yes, that is a lot of guests but we both have a lot of family members. I have been attending bridal expos since I got engaged and it has been something that has really helped me with planning. I kind of have an idea of a theme and colors but nothing is definite yet, as we have two years until the wedding. We do know our bridal party, which will include 6 bridesmaids and 6 groomsmen. This is all the planning that I have done, but each day I find new things and Pinterest is my best friend: Thanks for your time! If you have any questions feel free to contact me.
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Desktop Icon Organizers! Part 3!

Since my last two organization posts were a hit, I decided to make some more!
Please enjoy, dear friends
& if you are curious of the others, go on and check them out

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Adventures of an open Pinterest Board part 2!

One of the biggest hits on my blog is the post where I reveal what happens when you make your pinterest board public for your friends to post on. A post I didn't expect to be so big, ended up being huge. 
See Part One! 
I invited some new friends to post and let it run wild and what I am left with, is part two.

Yeah, so, the only thing that could make this picture better, is if the girls' antlers were glittered.
Mental note made.

When I saw this, all I could think was "Brilliant." This would be a cheap and very personal favor to give out. And you could make it really personal by putting a space for song requests on the invitation. 

I love these sweet little Champagne bottles with straws. They are really perfect for the ladies to get ready with. We will also NEED want glittered wine glasses for toasting! I think it would be too sweet to have each girl have one in their favorite colors! 

When I needed to gauge the interest in the types of bridesmaids dresses we might need to look at, they jumped right on in and showed me what they liked the most.

Sister & Bridesmaids Picture.

So, here's the deal. I hated veils. I hated the tradition behind it and I couldn't stand them.
And now here I am. Completely sold on them. Why?
Uh, hi. That wins. 

I highly recommend opening your Pinterest boards to your bridesmaids and close friends. 
The difference in ideas and their input really does make it so much more fun and personal to plan.

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Pantone Wedding Colors

When I go to Lowe's, I have to keep myself busy or I get bored. I love it there, I do, but it's so easy for me to get bored. Last time I went to Lowe's, I decided I was going to grab myself some Pantone color swatches and make myself a color wheel. What actually ended up happening was I grabbed every color swatch I could find and numbered them according to what would look nice together. Then, my chalkboard and I went to work. 

Which are your favorites? Do you have a favorite that I didn't mention?

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A (Non)Traditional Louisiana Wedding!

My wedding was different. I didn't wear a traditional wedding dress, I didn't get my hair done, I did my own makeup. There were no centerpieces but I did do favors. Oh, and we had my dad's funeral earlier in the day. 

My husband, Mike, asked me to marry him on a Ferris wheel in Canada at Niagara Falls. It was sweet, wonderful, and perfect. Having the ring on my finger, I didn't plan much further into the future. I had a diamond, I was good to go. But I wasn't. We needed to seal the deal but I was in no hurry.
The wedding proceedings began with the death of my sweet Daddy. His passing threw me into planning my wedding. You see, my husband and I lived in Pennsylvania but my entire family was in Louisiana. I had to get married there, "here" wasn't an option. I had been to weddings "here" and there was no way I was getting married without a Silver flavored cake, in a creepy venue with four other weddings going on at the same time, a bad DJ, and cold baked ziti. No, thank you.

Planning the wedding!
My Aunt has a beautiful home in Baton Rouge on six acres with a beautiful meditation labyrinth in her front yard. I spent a lot of time on her front porch, growing up, looking out at that labyrinth, dreaming about life. It was the perfect place. All the family could be there, so we could have my Dad's funeral ceremony there, as well. Two birds, one stone.
The flowers I chose were blue hydrangea. The aforementioned porch I spent so much time on in my youth was lined with gorgeous hydrangea bushes, of course that had to be the flower.

The cake!
My cake was three tiers, white with blue dots, hydrangea flowers for accent. It was lovely. The flavor was "silver" with pineapple in the middle. Totally traditional Louisiana wedding cake flavors. Silver cake is almond flavor, in Louisiana we just call it wedding cake flavor. It was heavenly. Except my Aunt's dog licked a portion of the icing off of the bottom their and then chased me through her house and tried to bite me when I caught him. We covered that part of the cake with more flowers and all was well. (My Aunts and Mom didn't let anyone eat that part of the cake. Damn dog...)

My cake sat on my Aunt's dining room table. Earlier in the day my older sister's boyfriend noticed a part of the wood on the top of the table was damaged and scooted the cake over it. I got so mad! He felt it was embarrassing, a ruined table. However, I felt it an honor to use that beautiful old dining room table. After hurricane Betsy, my grandma fished that table out of the bayou from behind her house where the storm had blown all of her belongings. Over my dead body would he cover that damaged part of the table, it was a blessing to have my cake sit on that table after what my French grandmother went through to get it back after that horrible hurricane!

I found an independent printer on line that just happened to have gorgeous hydrangea invitations on clearance with matching thank you notes. Done! I wanted to incorporate the Fleur De Lis so I ordered wine stoppers topped with Fleur De Lis  as my favor.

What we wore!
As for my dress, well, I didn't have money or time so I wore a beautiful white eyelet blouse and a linen skirt. My cousin made beautiful silver combs with fresh water pearls for my hair and freshwater pearl earnings. For my little dog she made a veil of vintage lace and freshwater pearls. Yes, my dog had a veil and I did not. I also wore a necklace my Aunt lent me that was made of different stones and had a large stone heart as the pendant. For Mike, my New York born husband, I had him wear light, light blue linen pants and a white linen shirt. He looked amazing!

The Ceremony!
My ceremony took place at the center of the labyrinth and was performed by my uncle. In the center of the labyrinth is a beautiful large, white fountain, that my aunt filled with magnolia leaves and flowers. We were married in front of it with my entire family and best friend standing inside the labyrinth. I walked to Etta James song "Sunday Kind of Love" and was escorted by my uncle, my dad's beloved younger brother. He gave me away with all the love my dad would have.

Our vows were not traditional. My husband and I chose American Indian vows that were beautiful. My little sister who has Downs Syndrome was my bridesmaid and stood with me with so much pride and honor. My husband's best man was his nephew, a boy I love as one of my own. After the ceremony my family and best friend followed us by walking the winding labyrinth path out and into the yard. My shoes came off and the celebration began.

The Reception!
My reception began with a May Pole dance. The night before my wedding, my Aunt and I made a May Pole of many many colored ribbons. We danced the May pole dance, my cousins, sisters, and friends joining in the dance weaving in and out in what was to be a ceremony binding my husband and I and wishing us fertility and luck. I still have the May Pole to this day. It was so much fun! We giggled and wound in and out around the May Pole. It may have been a little odd but it was very special.

The Aftermath!
In South Louisiana, the food is important! We had a traditional outdoor craw-fish boil. My Aunt's neighbor and my cousin manned the giant craw-fish pot. The ancient live oak trees were wrapped with lights and hung with round lanterns. I lost the linen and threw on a t shirt, cute skirt, and flats. My husband threw on his jeans and t-shirt and then we ate! It was a beautiful night under those live oaks in my Aunt's yard. It was the culmination of all my youthful dreaming. 

My beautiful husband peeled those craw-fish like a pro. My best friend sat next to me in a lawn chair and I hugged her babies in my lap. Mike's nephew and my cousins played in the yard and we ate happily with messy fingers and craw-fish tails flying. The older ladies sat inside in my Aunt's great hall out of the early May heat. It was a true Louisiana evening, hot, muggy, and happy. 
My wedding wasn't the traditional white dress affair but it was mine and it was the most special day of my life surrounded by the people I love most in the only place that I can ever call home. It was perfect.

What does Southern really mean?

I realize that this is going to be a really word heavy post, so please bear with me. This post might offend some of you, I wouldn't know why, but that's my disclaimer.

Upon visiting the website for Southern Weddings Magazine, I got to thinking. Is it just the borders that make someone Southern? Is it where you live? Is it simply being below the Mason Dixon? If so, I must have been born in the wrong place.

In thinking about this, I have come to a conclusion. For me, Southern is in who you are. Your values. Your traditions. Southern is in your upbringing. Your family. Your life. It is how you live. Your morals. Your manners. Your respect.

I have come to the conclusion that, while I live above that Mason Dixon line and while I don't have that amazing accent, I am Southern.

I was raised to respect others, to always help others. I was raised to be polite, to always have my manners. I was raised with tradition, tradition that I refuse to let die. I was taught that family is EVERYTHING and you best fear your mama AND your gram if you said something out of line and disrespectful. I was raised to always let love win, to NEVER give up on a love that is worth fighting for. That you get the most out of everything if you work for it.

I feel like where you live shouldn't matter. Call me a Damn Yankee if you must, but know that all in all, Southern is really what this girl is.