Halloween House Party!

I know, I know, Halloween is long passed now but I've been slow on the blogging lately!
I finally got to go to a Halloween party, but not the kind you would think,
it was a Rice Krispies House Party by one of my favorite bloggers!
This was so much more than a typical party, plus, it was loaded with food, friends, and little kids!
It was probably one of the cutest little parties she has ever thrown!
She made parmesan bread sticks, mummy hot dogs, mini pizzas, and tons of Halloween themed Rice Krispies treats that guests made as well! The punch even had a hand in it!
Obviously not a real one, but one made of ice. (See what I did there? Ha.) I love that glove trick!
What I loved even more though, were the amazing crock-pot pumpkin spice lattes!

There were so many activities, like cookie making and a home-made pinata to break!

All to the tune of Halloween music!
 Best night!



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