I've been your soft & sweet, you've been my strong & steady.

Good morning beautiful world! Please excuse the gush, but today, is a VERY special day.
Two years ago today, I said "Yes." 
Not to getting engaged or married, but to entering the best relationship and family I have ever known.
(Seriously, how pretty is mom and how cute is dad?)
Two years ago today, I said "Yes" to being my honeybee's girlfriend.
Over these two years we have been through so very much.
I graduated high school, I went to college three hours away. 
He graduated and we got a kitten.
He proposed and I transferred colleges.
He got an amazing job and bought a brand new beautiful truck. 
These two years have flown by faster than I could have ever believed. It's crazy to think we've been through two graduations, two birthdays each, two different schools, two Christmases, two amazing summers and two of so many more things. (Two is my favorite number!). 
Soon, we will be making our second trip to Corolla, which will mark one year since we got engaged and our little baby Sofia (who isn't such a baby anymore) will be one. 
What's next?
What ever else life holds for us.
Always and Forever.

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  1. <3 I love you guys. We've been friends for about 5 years now and Kaylee (and soon our newest baby) couldn't have better role models on what love is in her life. Happy Anniversary, loves.

    1. Awe, thank you so much! That means so much to me. I love you guys! <3.
