He's my DIY-ing Honeybee

When the fiance gets a creative streak, let him run with it. 
While walking through Wal-Mart the other day, he decided that he wanted to make something. 
Be my guest, honey, be my guest. 
I can say that two times over, actually, since we found a wood burner for only $10. 
I'm gonna be a nerd here: Bazinga. 
So we got a block of wood, the wood burner, and he went to work.
The theme to the living room is rustic, so it was only fitting we do something to match.
It also helps that our song is such a country song: Honeybee, Blake Shelton. LOVE.
Before the wood stain!
P.S. Don't mind his "Dirty" hands, he's a welder. 

& After!

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