Home/Life Organizer!

Can I just tell you, that I am one of those people who likes things her way?
Who knew, right?
When it comes to planners, it is a hundred times worse. I need certain things that normal planners just don't have. Like color, cuteness, space, and some serious over-organizing materials. 
When I was going through my favorite blogger's sites, I found printables.
Then it occurred to me, 
WHY, OH WHY, am I spending money on planners I am just not overly happy with? Why do I spend every single year searching for some so-so, I'll buy it if I can't find anything cuter, organizer for my life?
No more.
No more settling, no more ugly, no more wasted time. 
Meet, lovely 2013... & very likely, the rest of my life.
Seriously, pretty cover!

Pretty inspiration! 
All I needed were pens, note pads, page protectors, and a beautiful binder.
I got some wonderful printables from
Iheartorganizing & Atypicalenglishhome
(Don't worry, I liked you to them at the bottom!)

A peek inside!

give credit where credit is due!
Thanks for having free printables!
Thanks for having printable recipe cards!

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