Giveaway: Fun, Fearless, Frugal Fashionista!

Ohkay, ladies, let's be honest here, full out blunt. Alright?
How many of you have paid a ton for a piece of jewelry thinking you will like it and it will go with everything? Come on, raise that hand. We all have. 
How many of you have shelled out $30 or more on a piece of jewelry that you only wore once?
Don't be shy. Put it up there. 
How long have you waited after ordering a piece that you needed for an outfit, only to have the day come that you need it and it never came? You'd be lying if you said it never happened. 
For those of you who have spent more than you should, for those of you who only ever got that piece of jewelry to wear only once, for those of you who wasted the money on the piece that never came in time,
I have news for you.
We don't have to worry about that ANY MORE.
Too good to be true? Nope, pinky swear it's not.
Want to know something even better?
EVERY piece is ONLY $5.
No, dear, you read that right. I didn't miss a 3 or any other number before that 5 and after that dollar sign. 
Seriously, only $5. 
See ya later guilt, bye bye high prices, and good riddance wait time!
Dear readers, I introduce to you, Frugal Fashionista, an independent business owner of Paparazzi Designs. 
Here is a statement from her consultant page! 

And changing lives she is. I don't know about you, but I always feel a special kind of pretty when I have a new accessory or two to make an old outfit look brand new. I love to make a plain outfit look so much less boring, too! It's amazing how much of a confidence boost that a piece of jewelry can give you! 
Not to mention how much better it is when you can get SO much more when the items have this low of a price! We love a deal, especially when it comes to the perfect necklace, bracelet, ring, or even hair accessories, and isn't it so much better when you don't have to feel so guilty after spending money on it?!

Curious about what they have? Let me show you some wonderful items that will work for any age!

Want to know the best part?
The Frugal Fashionista herself is giving you lovely readers a piece of Paparazzi for FREE!
That's right! A jewelry giveaway! 
You can enter once a day!
You then have 24 hours to claim your prize and she's willing to ship items and do fundraisers!
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeazy, right?!

Think that Paparazzi might be something you'd like to sell?
I know she'd LOVE to guide you and add you to her team!
Visit her consultant page to check out this awesome opportunity!

I was given two free pieces of jewelry (one to keep and one to give away to a lucky reader.) All opinions expressed are solely my own and receiving the freebies did not affect my opinion in any way.

All images from Paparazzi Accessories and from Frugal Fashionista.
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