Color Meanings: Part 4!

Oh my goodness, my lovely readers. Before I share with you Part 4 of the color series, I just have to thank you all for helping my blog grow as much as it has! I absolutely love every single one of my readers and followers and thank you so much for your never-ending support. 
That being said, enjoy part four!

Wedding Color: Part 4!

Don't you just love all the different styles these colors portray?! 
Let me just say, those flower girl dresses are GORGEOUS!

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Color Meanings: Part 3!

Good Morning, Lovelies! 
Before I head off to school, I want to leave you with a little color inspiration, 
this time, bright colors to make you happy!

WEdding COlors. Part 3!

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Color Meanings: Part 2!

Hello again, lovelies! 
I am back with part two of the wedding color series after a LONG break.
School has been CRAZY lately!
Not to toot my own horn but on my first exams I got a 93% & a 95%.
Feel free to clap!
Anyway, part three is on it's way as we speak, starting with brighter colors!
For now, here are some more neutrals! 

Part 2: COLOR meanings.

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Color Meanings: Part 1.

Hello, lovelies!
I decided a few days ago that I am going to start a series on wedding colors and their meanings.
It's extremely important to choose the right colors for the right occasions and mood, 
and it's a LOT of work trying to make sure it's all put together. 
I'm going to take some of the work out of it for you! Awesome, right?! 
Here is part 1!

color meaning

Stay tuned for Part 2!