About the Boy!

So, I saw a cute little post on Anchors Aweigh called The Boy Behind the Blog and since my honey is such a big part of my blogging, I thought this would be a pretty perfect thing to do!
 So, I asked my fiance questions and he answered them. Have fun getting to know my man!
Love that my wine glass was the only way he could save his milkshake from dripping all over his truck!
1. What is your favorite food and why?
My favorite food...I don't know, pizza? Because I like pizza? 
There's no reason why, it's just tasty, it's good, and I like it.
Haha, he's such a boy.

2. How about your favorite fast food?
McDonalds because it's fast. Double quarter pounder with cheese!
But no, really, this is what he always gets.

3. What would your last meal be?
30 ounce porterhouse steak with miller lite, oh, that'd be good.
This is so him. Doesn't sound too bad, huh?

4. What's your dream car?
Black 69 Camaro, because it's American muscle.
'Merica. That is all.

5. What realistic car do you want?
I already have it. My truck, Ford F150 Fx4 Off Road.
He love love lovesssss that truck.
6. What is your favorite movie?
Hmm, Transporter.
No clue what that is...

7. What is your favorite show?
The Walking Dead, eh, tossup between The Walking Dead and Supernatural.
Both amazing!

8. What is the best date movie?
Dear John. That's a good movie. I wasn't ever really good with date movies.
We saw The Hangover 2 as our first real date. Haha.

9. What is your perfect date?
You. Ha. Something simple. I don't like complex dates because it all gets in the way of everything. 
If there's too much, you get stressed and everything runs together going from place to place,
 I'd rather sit down, watch a movie and eat some popcorn.
I know he sounds like he's lying, but he's totally serious. Staying in is better. Snuggles!
10. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
Bora-Bora, it's sunny always. I like the sun and the beach atmosphere.
I'll stick with Corolla. 

11. What do you wanna be when you grow up?
A fireman, no, I'm already grown up, I'm a welder.
Haha, wow. Cute.

12. What is your biggest pet peeve?
You. Ha. No, when I'm at a restaurant and the waiter/waitress walks away 
then doesn't come back for 15/ 20 minutes and then just asks if everything is alright. 
That annoys me to the point where annoyed would be annoyed.
Or when they don't fill up your cups and when you ask, they get annoyed? Annoying.

13. If you could have anything as a pet what would it be?
SLOTH! Because they're freaking awesome!
But no really. Adorable.

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Diamonds are forever, but what about pearls?

Unlike most girls who are getting married, I am not a diamond person. I don't like them.
 I blame Audrey Hepburn:
Sorry Marilyn, diamonds aren't this girls best friend. 
But no, really.
Why don't I like diamonds? Besides being ridiculously over-priced, everybody has them. I don't want a diamond that symbolizes something everyone else has, so why would I want a gigantic rock on my finger?
Granted, yes, I have a diamond, and yes, I love it. Because it's little, and a little goes a LONG way. 
Truth be told, my fiance searched for a pearl for me. He searched hard. He's a winner. 
Why is he a winner? Why do I love that idea?
Because I can't get over the fact that a pearl forms from a little tiny speck of sand that irritates an oyster. 
I can't get over the fact that the oyster is trying to protect itself from that irritant.
I can't get over the fact that the irritation slowly forms into something more beautiful than a piece of sand. 
To me, it transforms, over time, into something so beautiful because of work and hardship. 
To me, a pearl symbolizes the hard work, the trial and error, the beauty that love is. 
The oyster can't just spit out the speck of sand, it works on it. It doesn't throw it away, even though it tries to protect itself from it. It takes years upon years to form them, like a relationship takes years to mature. 
I know this probably doesn't make sense to a lot of you who are reading this, but these are the things I value, the things from my relationship that speak the most to me. 
The slow transformation between the two completely unlike items/people because you didn't throw the relationship away because it's just a irritating little speck once in awhile, then working through it until the beauty comes right through and forms and matures in this love.
I love pearls because they show that things take time and there is hardship. 
Because they show it's not an overnight process that gives you everything you want right away. 
It shows a beautiful reward for being patient and waiting, for not just throwing it away.
I get that diamonds are forever, but pearls are "for better or worse."

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Want. Need. Love.

You know yesterday, when I was talking about addicting websites like Pinterest and Wed Society?
I completely forgot how amazing Wanelo is. Want. Need. Love. Let me tell you, I want, need and love it all!
By Colors!
Light Blue

Dark Blue

What are your favorite Wanelo finds?
Have you ever bought anything right from Wanelo?
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