Planning AFTER the Expo.

Remember that BIG CHANGE I talked about in a previous blog?
The whole theme thing? 
Yeah, I've been researching. Long and Hard. 
I decided to give you all a little sneak peak into it!

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In Celebration of the Hundredth Blog Post!

So, first off, 
In celebration of this wonderful event, 
I'm going to share ONE HUNDRED facts about me in different categories!
Ready Freddy?!

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ItsNotMe... My Venus Embrace Sensitive.

I was given the opportunity to be sent a box with a sweet little treat in it. 
A sweet little treat that could seriously help my skin. 
I was given the Gillette Venus Embrace Sensitive Razor, and it. is. MAGICAL.
Usually when I shave my legs, I am super prone to ingrown hairs, irritation, and annoying red bumps. 
After I shave, I can't wear shorts or a dress because of that burning irritation. It's embarrassing.
With this amazing razor, I didn't get that. AT. ALL.
I have smooth, dolphin-like skin! For once in my life.
So, it isn't me. It's my razor. 

(I wish it wasn't so cold here,
because I would totally show off these legs of mine.)

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My First Bridal Expo & The First Big Change.

Hello, lovelies!
Yesterday I went to my very first bridal expo. 
For those of you who don't know what a bridal expo is, it's when vendors come and set up booths and show you what services or products they have to offer and give you all of their information in hopes you may be impressed enough to choose them as your vendor. There are also door prizes, grand prizes (JUST FOR BEING THERE!) and deals/freebies. I have a free chiropractic appointment/adjustment. WIN.
There was a fashion show, there were caterers, there were jewelers, bridal gowns, and many others. 
Not to mention, food. Cake. Tasting. 

It was wonderful. It was overwhelming. It was enlightening. 
In going to this expo, I found a venue. A beautiful, BRAND NEW, Rustic venue. 
We've been struggling with a venue. They are either too small, too much, or really really polished. 
When I first pictured Rustic, I pictured burlap, lace, browns.
Now, now it changed. I mean, REALLY changed.  
I couldn't figure out how to tie in Honeysuckle & Honeybee into that form of rustic. 
I couldn't figure out how to fit pink and yellow into it without it looking like an Easter Basket. 
Then I realized. That brown, neutral, lace and burlap rustic, that's what EVERYONE is starting to do.
That's the new trend. It's turning into something impersonal. 
We found something new. 
Something still rustic but a completely different kind of rustic. 
Plantation Rustic. 
Pink Gingham, Yellow Gingham, Frothy Plantation Dress.
BBQ, Sweet Tea, Southern Manners. 
And now, everything we wanted, fits. 
The venue, the pasture, the land, makes it look like a real plantation, just up North.  

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