This Is Halloween!

So, Halloween is seriously 2 nights away. Where did time go?
I literally have no costume. I've been attempting to make my own. 
For a party the other day, I decided I was going to be a cheerleader. Original, right?
I was all ready to be a girl from Toddlers in Tiaras but after putting on the tutu, the sash, and the tiara, I realized it wouldn't make sense because I was seriously missing the "NINI." For you unseasoned Toddler's in Tiaras fans, that's a pacifier. Wouldn't make sense without the pacifier. 
In honor of Halloween, I have found the cutest couples costumes ever.
Welcome to my inner nerd. 
Disney, Yes. To Infinity & Beyond! You can't go wrong with the tutu, let's be honest. For those of us with men who don't do the dress-up thing, I think they'd appreciate the semi-normal cowboy look!
Does anyone else just laugh about this? I LOVE Kevin the Snipe. Wait, I love UP. Period.
This, This is classic. I would love to dress up like this and for my baby, this is a natural. 
I wonder if I could be a deer with a tutu?!

What are you and your honey going to be?
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