"Let them eat cake"... or something better.

Today, I was really contemplating the desserts I would like at our wedding, 
I hinted at it in the video I did, but I don't really feel like it touched enough on what I meant. 
I don't like cake. What kind of American doesn't like cake, right? 
Well, a lot of them. Which poses a problem for weddings. I feel like cake is expected anymore, but how difficult is it to seriously have it. How do you decide on flavors when your mom can't have chocolate when the only kind you really eat is chocolate? What about when multiple people in your family are super picky like mine are? It's impossible to cater to everyone and I don't want to do that, honestly. 
I also don't want to end up having to have multiple cakes. 
I want something I like, that I can have multiple different flavors, many different kinds, cheaply. 
That's why I have multiple ideas for multiple buffets. 
Candy Buffet:
So, you get a ton of different candies, lay 'em out, help yourselves. 
Then, take whats left at the end of the night.
That'll make for a sweet little ride to the airport! 

Ice Cream Buffet:
Ok, maybe I'm going a little too SweetFrog-ish here, but I love me some ice-cream. 
I love the countless abilities to choose what you want. 
Even the pickiest person will enjoy this.

Cookie Buffet:
"C is for Cookie, that's good enough for me!"
Yes, I did that, sorry not sorry.
Just Add Milk. 

Donut Buffet:
Ok, this goes along the same lines of the Cookie Bar. 
Except Coffee. And Tea. 

Pie Buffet:
Pies are still cheaper than one huge cake and there is a ton of variety. 
There are so many ways you can go with this. Fruit, Mousse, Cream. Perfect any way it is!

Is anyone else as hungry as I am right now?
Yeah, thought so.

*All images were found on Google or Pinterest*

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